"There's power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice. And there's grace in being willing to know and hear others."

Michelle Obama

Building an online presence can be tough - especially when you know good design matters and you care about your brand and visuals.

It’s hard enough that as creators, entrepreneurs and business owners we are often expected to play ALL the roles in our business, without adding ‘graphic designer’ and ‘expert-on-all-the-things’ to the list.

That’s why Created by Wayne exists - so I can use MY area of expertise, to help give you the space and time to focus on YOUR area of expertise.

Good design (and good designers) add incredible value to any aspect of a brand. But let’s face it - we’re NOT all designers, just as we’re not all professional dancers (that 4th tequila is lying to you!).

I aim to provide the tools, templates and guidance to help coaches and creators up-level their sales pages and brand visuals, and look damn good doing it - without adding to the overwhelm.





Hi, I’m Wayne (he/him)

I am an award-winning art director, brand coach, content creator, and creative introvert who helps coaches & creators elevate their brand and visuals - with ease and integrity.

I spent over twenty years working in the world’s biggest agencies and across a range of creative industries and have seen the beautiful impact that design with purpose, style & integrity can have.

I want to help people build a business that allows them to live the life of their own creation - a SUCCESSFUL, AUTHENTIC and WELL DESIGNED business - without selling their soul or giving in to overwhelm.

More than that, I want to bring a little style, a little honesty and a little kindness to the world. Yup, even the business world. 😉

Let’s make some magic together!


As a person and a business the values I stand for are incredibly important to me, and I share them in the hope of creating a community of like-minded people who want to leave the world a better place than we found it.

We believe Black Lives Matter, we stand for LGBTQIA2S+ rights (including and especially Trans rights), and we welcome and celebrate all intersectional identities.

We actively invest in and work to build an equitable, inclusive, anti-racist future from the inside out.

We encourage the normalizing of communicating gender pronouns and we welcome questions about our stance on important social issues.

We believe in science. We celebrate diversity. We provide a safe space wherever we are able to, and we stand firm in our convictions.

We believe in kindness and humanity. We always try to respect differing opinions but will not condone opinions that dehumanize others or contribute to harm. We will not tolerate or put ourselves in proximity to hate, prejudice or racism of any kind.